Redux-less context-based useSelector hook that has same performance as React-Redux

Introduction React-Redux provides hooks API with nice abstraction. Especially, useSelector is probaly less misused than mapStateToProps. react-tracked is a library for global state without Redux. This library provides almost compatible hooks API to React-Redux. It’s developed with performance in mind, and it should be as performant as React-Redux, even though it utilizes only React context. See the GitHub repo for more information. This post shows benchmark results to convince that it actually is performant in one scenario....

June 16, 2019 · 2 min

Benchmark the alpha-released hooks API in React Redux with alternatives

Introduction Recently, React Redux released hooks API. It’s v7.1.0-alpha.4 as of writing. On the other hand, I’ve been developing a new React Redux binding library with hooks and Proxy. It’s time to benchmark both of them to have better understanding in performance. The reactive-react-redux library utilizes Proxy to auto-detect state usage, hence it technically has overhead which would affect performance. We would like to learn how much it will be affected in a realistic example....

May 2, 2019 · 3 min