Developing React Global State Library With Atom Abstraction

Introduction I have been developing various global state libraries for React. For example: react-tracked react-hooks-global-state My main motivation is to eliminate selector functions that are only required for render optimization. Render optimization here means it avoids extra re-renders. An extra re-render is a re-render process that produces the same view result as before. Since Recoil is announced, I’m very interested in atom abstraction because it eliminates selector functions for render optimization and the API seems pretty intuitive....

August 13, 2020 · 4 min

Diving Into React Suspense Render-as-You-Fetch for REST APIs

Introduction React released Concurrent Mode in the experimental channel and Suspense for Data Fetching. This release is for library authors, and not for production apps yet. The new data fetching pattern proposed is called Render-as-You-Fetch. This post mainly discuss Render-as-You-Fetch for basic fetch calls, like calling REST APIs. But, some of discussions are not limited to REST. One could invoke GraphQL endpoints with simple fetch calls. For more complex use cases with GraphQL, it’s worth looking into Relay documentation too....

December 16, 2019 · 7 min

Developing a React Library for Suspense for Data Fetching in Concurrent Mode

Introduction We have been waiting for “Suspense for Data Fetching” for a long time. It is now provided as an experimental feature in the experimental channel. Check out the official docs for details. Introducing Concurrent Mode Suspense for Data Fetching Concurrent UI Patterns Adopting Concurrent Mode Concurrent Mode API Reference They are trying best to explain new mind sets with analogies. That means it’s totally different from the usage with traditional React....

November 3, 2019 · 4 min